Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler pulls a Juanga

By August 7, 2009Tubeando

By dredre2

Sometimes you just can’t avoid las metidas de pata. It happens even to the best in the show biz. Just like it happened to Juanga a couple of years ago, Steven Tyler se partió su mandarina en gajos in a way almost similar to Juanga’s… claro que al final no le fue tan gacho como al Divo de Juarez. While performing “” at a South Dakota concert, he decides to rock out and break into a frantic dance. Unfortunately, good ol’ Steve lost his balance at around the 0:55 second mark y azotó la res. Enjoy to the max, everything’s ok with Mr. Tyler, just bruises and a broken shoulder, but he’ll be back on stage soon. Don’t act all high and mighty, you know it’s funny.