No Phone, More Sex

By August 20, 2009Tubeando

By Current

Mientras más pasa el tiempo, más necesitamos de la tecnología to go out and about on a daily basis.  It has come to a point where we really can’t fully function without technology.  While nowadays it is almost impossible to live without any kind of technology, perhaps one device we are the most attached to and could really do without if we put our minds to it, is our cell phone, or in Stuart Kershaw’s case, his blackberry.  As an ultimatum from his girlfriend who felt he was too attached to e-mails, texting, and social networking, the filmmaker decided to rebel against the notion of being contactable 24/7 by going cold turkey from his Blackberry.  Check out his interesting experiment… although he takes it a bit to the extreme, it is truly something to ponder about.