Her Morning Elegance

By August 20, 2009Tubeando

By QuarterPastWonderful 

It appears to be that along with MTV, quality videos are a thing of the past. Sure, every once in a while a band or an artist might release an acceptable video to accompany their latest single, but that rarely happens nowadays. The kind of videos that make the headlines are the ones that are overproduced, sexified, non-sensical, and untimely dumbed down… mediocre at best. Those that attempt to do otherwise fall into oblivion and anonymity. Pero como todo, there’s still hope. The video for “Her Morning Elegance” by Oren Lavie is truly a piece of art itself. While stop motion has been done several times, the way it’s done in this video is just breath taking… the photography and the editing are superb, plus the object of Oren Lavie’s affection moves beautifully.  La neta es que se sacaron un diez los directores del video… está de poca, y por si fuera poco, the song is not that bad either.