Backup Dancer Fail

By August 28, 2009Tubeando

By failblog

Usually failblog never “fails” to deliver the LOLs, but this video might just be their first exception… or maybe not. After watching this video no sabes si carcajearte o echarte a llorar. The group of chicks and their backup dancers are going at it when one of the dancers falls almost at the beginning of the clip. The funny or jacked up part of the video, depende del punto de vista en el que lo veas, is the fact that the rest of the girls just keep on minding their own business without paying attention to the fallen dancer and totally ignoring her and doing everything possible to not step or trip on her. While it’s true that the show must go on, it kinda sucks that there’s no compañerismo y que ni siquiera a una de ellas se le ocurrió por lo menos arrastrar a la amiga fuera del escenario.