All Times Low’s Zack Merricks Inspires Fashion Line for Kill Brand clothing

By Hilda GabrielaDecember 3, 2009Otro Rollo

All Times Low’s newest album is all about either doing ya’ or not doing ya’. But the Zack Merricks-inspired fashion line for Kill Brand clothing is all about doing it flashy and doing it right. Merrick, bassist to All Time Low, paired up with Kill Brand clothing to create a limited edition fashion line inspired by Merricks’ own photography.

Zack Merrick for Kill Brand clothingThe line will include graphic tees with some of the images that Merrick has captured while touring with the band as well as snaps taken while out an about as a “normal” citizen. This Chicago-pix design, for example, is from a trip Merrick took to the Windy City. Snapping away at buildings like the Sears Tower, Chicago’s highest skyscraper, Merrick’s random snapshot was later turned into two designs for Kill Brand Clothing.

As part of Kill Brand’s Winter 2009 collection, the line is scheduled for release this upcoming Friday, December 4th and will be made available for retail throughout the states. Here in good ol’ Cali-caliente, Zack’s line can be found at Tilly’s retailers and selected Hot Topics as well as other retailers.

For a full list of shops that are getting ready to carry this limited edition collection, visit Kill Brand clothing at Kill Brand or check out All Time Low’s official My Space page.

Happy Shopping!

Zack Merrick, for Kill Brand clothing