6 Things Bound to Soon Happen in California “Election edition”

By Nacho MarianoNovember 10, 2016Edúcate
By Nacho Mariano | November 10, 2016

Besides voting for our country’s next president, Californians were given the option to choose YAY or Nay on 17 state propositions.

Based on some of the results here are a few of the changes we shall see within the next couple months…


1) People will now LEGALLY grow pot at their casa


There will be a cultivation tax on growers ($9.25 per ounce for flowers and $2.75 per ounce for leaves).


2) We will carry our groceries in cute canvas

Plastic grocery bags are now banned but they will be available for purchase at 10 cents each.


3) Cigarettes will be extra expensive

Be ready to pay $2 dollars more for that precious packet of yours! Small businesses are not happy about this….


4) Future generations will have a multicultural education

Proposition 58 repealed the bilingual education ban, public schools will soon offer students bilingual and multicultural programs.


5) Porn will remain the same

As 53.9% of Californians voted NO on the requirement for pornographic actors to wear condoms.


7) Some peeps will move to Canada

Although the country’s immigration website keeps on crashing due to traffic so good luck with that…