Captain America: Civil War Posters Revealed!

Today marks an exceptional day for all Marvel fans. The Captain America: Civil War posters have been revealed!

And while there aren’t many surprises, given the general history of the Civil War story line that’s already taken place, this should just serve as another reason for people to get excited about the next MCU installation.

So which side are you on?

Captain America Civil War Captain America Poster

Captain America Civil War Iron Man Poster

Captain America Civil War Falcon Poster

Captain America Civil War Black Widow Poster

Captain America Civil War Hawkeye Poster

Captain America Civil War Black Panther Poster

Captain America Civil War Scarlet Witch Poster

Captain America Civil War Vision Poster

Captain America Civil War Antman Poster

Captain America Civil War War Machine Poster

Captain America Civil War Winter Soldier Poster

After all of this, it seems like “Team Iron Man” is down a character…. Spiderman anyone? We can only hope he’s not just an inclusion in the closing credits.

Captain America: Civil War arrives in theaters May 6.