La Luna Negra

By October 29, 2009Food & Drink
la luna negraAddress: 44 W Green St.
Pasadena, CA 91105



The Basics: When it comes to authentic Spanish tapas and ambiance, this joint holds one of the top spots… you’ll pretty much know you’re in for a hell of an experience upon entering “La Luna Negra”. This place, located in Old Town Pasadena, will take you to Spain and back in the blink of an eye as they do everything within their means to give you a pleasant and memorable experience… definitivamente es una experiencia muy chida y españolísima.

Part of “La Luna Negra’s” charm is its looks: not only does are the walls and the furniture colorful, but this place is glowing with hanging lanterns, empty picture frames with decorative orbs, and delicate strands of light in just about every corner.

Lo más chido es que from Thursday- Sunday @ 7:30pm they have live entertainment featuring lively flamenco dancers that will spice up your evening and make it even more special.

What to drink: Unfortunately, the drink menu is on the limited side; however, they do have a nice little selection of wines, but nothing beats their sangria -even though it’s nothing out of this world, it has a nice and refreshing flavor to it.

What to eat: Aside from its looks and atmosphere, another highlight of “La Luna Negra” is their food. Their menu is ginormous since you have tons of options to choose from: cold tapas, warm tapas, and full entrées.

A great way to start the evening is with some “Sinfuller Shrimp”, you get a couple of jumbo shrimp simmered in a scrumptious chipotle chocolate sauce que te tendrá chupándote los dedos.

If you want to continue with some seafood, the “What Clam Thank You Ma’am” are a great follow up, you get clams in white wine sauce.

Another great choice is the “Lomito a Cabrales”, which is Catalan-style stuffed calamari, filled with almods, bread crumbs, olives, and a hint of anchovy… y por si fuera poco, it’s also served with remoulade.

The “Hongos Rellenos” are also a yummy dish… you get robust mushrooms stuffed with spinach, crab, chorizo, artichokes, and sharp cheese in a buttery garlic sauce.

Eso si, no puedes irte de “La Luna Llena” sin probar las empanadas ya la “Tortilla Paisana”.  Las empanadas are stuffed with Serrano ham, Manchego cheese, chorizo, red onions, and tomatos.  On the other hand, with the scrumptious “Tortilla Paisana” you get a traditional Spanish quiche filled with spinach, bleu cheese, potatoes, and onions… all drizzled with a champagne/butter sauce.

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